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Macau Online WSDC 2021 情報まとめ






(※Team Japanが進出したPartial Double Octo Finalsのアーカイブも残っています!)



〈公式FacebookーPanda Division〉

Panda Divison(予選)の情報が記載されています。









タイムゾーンによってHegel DivisionとPanda Divisionに割り振られる(Team JapanはPanda Division)

・各Division内で予選8試合を実施、各Division(37チーム)の5勝以上したチームが決勝トーナメント進出(一部のチームはPartial Double Octo Finalsを免除される)



《Team Japanの情報(予選)》

予選結果:5wins, 15votes

R1:Prop. Japan(×0)vs. Opp. China(◯3)

R2:Prop. Japan(◯3)vs. Opp. Syria(×0)

R3:Prop. Malaysia(◯2) vs. Opp. Japan(×1)

R4:Prop. Kazakhstan(×0)vs. Opp. Japan(◯3)

R5:Prop. Poland(×0) vs. Opp. Japan(◯3)

R6:Prop. Mongolia(×1) vs. Opp. Japan(◯2)

R7:Prop. Japan(×1) vs. Opp. Bangladesh(◯2)

R8:Prop. Japan(◯2) vs. Opp. Taiwan(×1)






Break Announcement:7/31(土)9:00~


《Team Japanの情報(決勝トーナメント)》

※注1…Hegel/Panda Divisionの区別なく実施




Prop. Japan(×1) vs. Opp. USA(◯2)





表彰式:8/6(金)1:30~2:45 (2:00~ Awards)


《Team Japanの戦績》

予選成績(Panda Division内):5勝3敗, 15票、13位

Final Results:Partial Double Octo Finalist

Speaker Results:5th, 10th EFL Best Speaker








[Round 1(Prepared)]


TH regrets the commercialisation of space.





[Round 2(Impromptu)]


THW ban the production and consumption of meat.



THBT the International Olympic Committee should recognize an athlete's right to protest.


[Round 3 (Prepared)]


THBT the African Union should attempt to contain growing Gulf* influence in the horn of Africa.**



[Round 4(Impromptu)]


 THBT "cop shows" do more harm than good.

(Info: "Cop shows" are fictional television shows that often follow pairs or groups of police officers as they solve crimes and put criminals behind bars. These shows often focus on the cops' perspective of crime and criminals. Examples include Law & Order, Flikken Maastricht, CSI, The wire, C. I. D., Line of Duty, Brooklyn 99 (Escouade 99), and Stranger (Secret Forest).)





THW significantly reduce income tax rates for women.



[Round 5 (Prepared)]


TH prefers leaderless social justice movements.


[Round 6(Impromptu)]


You are an athlete who has been identified as having huge potential in your sport. Unfortunately, you are a citizen of a country that cannot afford to provide the training and facilities you'd need to achieve your potential. Another country has offered you the training and facilities that could make you an Olympian, and potentially an Olympic Champion. The only condition is that you must renounce your current citizenship and become a citizen of this new country.

TH, as this athlete, W accept the offer and move to the new country.




TH regrets the dominant belief that the customer’s needs and desires should always come first.



[Round 7 (Prepared)]


THBT developing countries should prioritise import substitution industrialisation over export oriented industrialisation.


[Round 8(Impromptu)]


THW prioritize government funding for Indigenous art & artisans working in contemporary artistic disciplines (ex: electronic music, performance art) instead of those Indigenous artisans practicing more "traditional" disciplines (ex: beadwork, carvings).

(Context: Many countries around the world provide funding targeted to Indigenous art and artists so that they can both preserve and develop Indigenous culture. These financial supports can take the form of bursaries, grants, program funding, or direct financial support of the artist. However, Indigenous artists working in more contemporary music, art, theatre, etc. complain that they're overlooked in funding allocations in favour of artisans who create works of art seen as more 'traditionally/stereotypically Indigenous.")


※Context Slideの和訳は省略


THBT Indigenous people charged with crimes should be tried and sentenced in accordance with the customs of their Indigenous community, instead of a non Indigenous justice system (i.e. state/federal/provincial courts).








[Partial Double Octo Finals]

・In times of economic crises, THBT the government should withhold information that is likely to damage market confidence.


・TH supports Rainbow Capitalism.

(Info: Rainbow Capitalism (or Pink Capitalism) refers to the incorporation of LGBTQ+ content by businesses into their products so as to capitalize off the purchasing power that Queer people have. Examples include: Adidas 'pride' sneakers, Apple Watch 'pride bands, H&M rainbow socks, etc.)





・TH supports a uniform standard for animal welfare, regardless of the animal's perceived utility (e.g. how cute they are, how useful they are in service to humans, etc.).



[Octo Finals]

・THW ban users from selling their data to companies in exchange for financial returns (i.e. receiving fixed monthly rates, dividends, etc. for the use of their data by companies).


・TH supports periodic, fixed-date constitutional conventions in constitutional democracies.

(Info: Unlike amendments which amend specific clauses in a constitution on an ad-hoc basis, a constitutional convention is the gathering of delegates for the purpose of writing, rewriting, or maintaining the entire constitution of a nation.)




[Quarter Finals]

 ・TH regrets the Westernization of the elites in post-colonial countries.
(Context: During and after colonization, local elites preferred to be educated in European languages and/or in European universities/cities. As part of this education, western culture and etiquette became the dominant norm in the institutions of the country (civil service, government, education system, etc.).)



・TH objects to the giving of international military aid.




[Semi Finals] 

・TH supports the implementation of carbon credits for individuals.
(Info: A carbon credit is a permit, that allows the holder to consume a certain quantity of Green-house gases. Both direct actions (e.g. burning natural gas for heating) and indirect actions (flying, buying specific products) count. Generally, carbon credits were issued to companies.)



・THW nationalise* the research, development, and distribution of pharmaceuticals.

(*To nationalise means to transfer from private or regional ownership and control to state/government ownership and control.)



[Grand Final]

In the instance where a revolution has overturned a previous system, TH prefers technocratic governments* to democratic governments.

*A technocratic government is one whereby individuals residing in those countries are appointed on the basis of their technical expertise in particular fields, ie. health, education, transport.

(Info: Revolution entails a fundamental change in the state organization or in the distribution of political power, characterized by a revolt of the population against the authority. This could lead to the modification of the existing constitution or could entirely overturn the political order, bringing about a drastic change of laws and constitutions. Examples of such revolutions include but are not limited to: the Iranian Revolution (1978), the Arab Spring (2010s), the French Revolution (1789-1799), the Velvet Revolution (1989), and the Sudanese Revolution (2018-2019).)



(革命は、政府の組織や政治権力の配分を根本から変えるものであり、人々が権力に反乱すると特徴づけられる。これは、現行憲法の修正や政治秩序の完全な転覆によって、法律や憲法に大幅な変化が起こることにつながる。例: イラン革命(1978)、アラブの春(2010年代)、フランス革命(1789-99)、ビロード革命(チェコスロヴァキア)(1989)、スーダン革命(2018-19))